FEE | Fördergesellschaft Erneuerbare Energiequellen e. V.
Minden Grove
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Minden Grove
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Minden Grove

Am 5. Oktober wurde der „Minden Grove“ nebst einer Informationstafel über Minden auf Malta eingeweiht. Von links: Dr. Joseph Borg (Tree Foundation), Bürgermeister Michael Buhre, Landwirtschafts- und Umweltminister George Pullicino, FEE-Vorsitzender Burkart Schulte und der deutsche Botschafter Karl Andreas von Stenglin. Foto: privat

The size of this grove may only be 1.1 hectares but the idea behind it is much bigger.

The “Minden Grove” project is an example of how every individual can play his or her part through private initiatives in creating woodland. Woodland is vital for our life on this earth. Why don’t you get involved and see that more trees are planted and the deserts are held in check.

With this “Minden Grove” we want to demonstrate that reforestation is possible and makes sense even in dry regions like Malta. The people of Minden and the people of Malta are co-operating in the “Minden Grove” project to show how much can be achieved with a little initiative.

We hope that this example will be followed by many and even greater projects all over the world.

Introducing Minden

With around 83.000 residents, Minden is a cultural focus and also a Center of administration and business for the County Minden-Lübbecke in Germany. Surrounded by mountains, forrests, meadows and moors. Minden lies by the river Weser and the Midland-Canal. Minden (101 square kilometres) belongs to the German State of Nordrhein-Westfaliaia.

History and Tradition

Minden ist more than 1200 years old. The City owes its first mentioning to the Emperor Charlemagne. In the year 798 he established the Bishopric in 799. Records of excavations, prove that settlement was much earlier and probably of Celtic origin. Minden belonged to the city alliance, as a foundation member of the "Hanse". In 1648 a new epoch of Minden’s history began, after the end of the thirty year war. This was influenced by the "Brandenburgisch-Preussian"- Military and civil servants for more than two century’s. At the beginning of the 20th century more firms and industrial enterprises colonized. In 1915/16 the City by the weser became connected to the European canal systems via the Midland -Canal and the water crossing.

Objects of interest and cultural offers

The city centre is impressing with its middle aged churches, quaint citizen- and merchant-houses. The most popular places of interest are the 1.200 year old Cathedral with the Cathedral treasury and the oldest town hall in Westphalia with its gothic arcade from the 13th century. Also belonging to it, are magnificent buildings from the Weserrenaissance in the old town, the old churches and the "Fischerstadt" (Fishing-city). Unique for the region is the Ship mill, which was rebuilt in high fidelity and taken into service in 1998. A particular attraction of Minden is the water crossing of the river Weser and the Midland Canal. The 370 m long bridge is the second largest in history of inland navigation.


FEE | Fördergesellschaft Erneuerbare Energiequellen e. V.
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